Lietuvos jaunųjų mokslininkų konferencija „Mokslas - Lietuvos ateitis“. Ekonomika ir vadyba, 25th Conference for Young Researchers "Science - Future of Lithuania. Economics and Management"

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Modestas Leskauskas

Last modified: 2022-10-31


It has been a long developing business area, which now has a great power, however, international business area started encountering plenty of new obstacles and issues regarding company activity, profitability, employees, international business and trade processes, as well as some internal issues of international companies or nets. Different problems occurred due to COVID-19 virus and the pandemic, causing lockdowns, new regulations, loss of job or income, lockdown and inability to work, as well as more than a handful of problems. The situation varies from country, its laws and regulations, as well as politics and healthcare, but as an example, Lithuania was taken into consideration, while talking about this subject. The effect of the issues, had outcomes and new ways found by the government and companies, for overcoming obstacles, creating work opportunities, being able to proceed company activities and fully operate from home, as well as government aid and help from other countries for the economy to survive. In addition, to discuss new unfairness and shadow activity in the business area that had come up in labor market, or just highlighted their existence, which earlier was harder to spot. Moreover, gained statistics of the survey reveal the employee perspective of the subject and their experiences as well as a better insight on the topic, thus highlighting the issues raised by the pandemic in the labour market, as well as created ways to deal with them. The structure of the article covers three parts, literature review, scientific analysis and results of the survey.


labour market; international business; COVID-19; pandemic policies; Lithuania; survey.

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