Lietuvos jaunųjų mokslininkų konferencija „Mokslas - Lietuvos ateitis“. Ekonomika ir vadyba, 21st CONFERENCE "BUSINESS IN XXI CENTURY"

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Verslo modeliai biotechnologijŲ įmonėse: įvairovė ir tendencijos
Miglė Čiurinskaitė, Kęstutis Peleckis

Last modified: 2018-07-02


This article describes the types and forms of business models in biotechnology companies and how right chosen model can cause the success of company. The main question of the article is how new biotechnology start-ups should act and which type of business model they should choose. The other problem is that many organizations focus on their business model(s) and fail to transform their. Innovations becomes crucial nowadays, specially for young companies. In biotechnology companies it is possible to innovate techniques, products and production, but all of these innovations are very risky and take a long time. On the other side innovations of  business model are one of the cheapest and the most perspective ways, so we decided to find out which types of innovations young biotechnology companies should try.

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